Create & Learn
macarons, chocolate, crafts, and more
Teaching and Sharing our projects and experiences with support to bakers and crafters alike. Our expertise lies in the arts and baking.
Hi, I'm Chelsea Rose!
I was an art teacher turned baker and boss mom who now writes tutorials and makes products to support your
baking and crafting needs!
FYI: Our family moved to Japan with the Navy in May 2021. We post a bit about our journey and baking adventures on our Instagram and Facebook page if you want to follow along!

Who Are We
Chelsea Rose is a boss mom of two (and a dog) with an active duty Navy spouse. She was an art teacher with a Bachelors in Art Education and then studied to be a pastry chef while in Rhode Island, before life took a pivot and they moved to Japan. Chelsea loves to share tutorials and teachings around crafts and the baking arts. Along with that we offer a variety of supplies to help our fellow bakers (like our free Basic Macarons Piping Template).
The name of our site comes from our macaron business that we had from 2016-2021 in Virginia and then Rhode Island. We can not thank our customers, family and friends enough for all their love and support as our business changes shape.

Contact Us
Have a topic you'd like to learn about or questions about our site? We'd love to hear from you.
Gentle reminder, we are no longer offering macarons as we have moved to Japan. Sorry, but thank you for understanding!
Contact us and we will get back to you within a couple days.